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Séminaire du CMLA : Diffraction by Elongated Spheroids

le 3 juin 2016

Séminaire du CMLA animé par le prof. Ivan Andronov de l'université de Saint-Petersbourg, Russie.

Prof. Ivan Andronov

Prof. Ivan Andronov

The asymptotic approach to the problem of high-frequency diffraction by elongated bodies is discussed.

The classical expansion derived by Fock is shown to require the frequencies to be too high for it to be applicable. It is shown that effective approximations appear under the supposition that the squared transverse dimension of the body is proportional to its longitudinal size measured in wavelengths.

This is referred to herein as the case of strongly elongated body and is examined in detail. It is assumed that the body has a rotational symmetry and can be well approximated by a spheroid. The cases of axial incidence and that of incidence at an angle to the axis are considered. Both the asymptotics of the induced currents on the surface and of the far field amplitude are developed.

Comparison with numerical results for a set of test problems shows that the leading terms of the new asymptotics provide good approximation in a uniform manner with respect to the rate of elongation. Some effects typical for scattering by elongated bodies are discussed.
Type :
Séminaires - conférences
Lieu(x) :
Campus de Cachan
salle 103, bâtiment Cournot, 1er étage

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